Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Yamaha YZF R1 2012

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Yamaha YZF R1 2012
Traction Control
We really should have seen this coming, the new R1 with traction control. Since its redesign in 2009 with the crossplane crankshaft, all the signs were pointing to it. With Yamaha’s Chip Controlled Throttle (YCCT) and three drive modes, all that was left to add was a system to limit unwanted spin from the rear tire. Well, the wait is over. The traction control has six levels of increasing intervention, plus a setting to turn the system completely off. Combine that with the three drive modes, and that makes for a total of 21 different settings to achieve your best lap time.
Adjusting the traction control is a matter of toggling up or down on the “TCS” switch on the left handlebar.
The D-Mode drive mode system returns on the 2012 R1 with the same three settings: A, B and Standard. Standard provides the optimum throttle application in most situations, as A mode feels too abrupt and B is rather lackluster.
Yamaha YZF R1
Yamaha engineers aimed to make this system as seamless as possible, without any unnatural or harsh intervention. By taking advantage of the YCC-T electronic throttle, the system uses wheel and engine speed sensors combined with throttle and gear position sensors, to constantly make calculations to control wheel spin depending on what setting the rider chooses. These four sensors send inputs to the ECU, which then calculates the amount of slip, determines whether this exceeds the preset value, and if so, reacts in four different ways. The system either uses the YCC-T to electronically close throttle valves, cut the fuel injection or retard the ignition timing, in no particular order. The fourth step is the illumination of the “TC” light in the gauge cluster which informs the rider the system is operating if they can’t tell already. These calculations are performed constantly and, according to Mike Ulrich from the testing department at Yamaha, at a “slightly faster” rate than its competitors, though Ulrich was not at liberty to say exactly how fast “slightly faster” is.
It’s important to note that the system does not utilize bank angle sensors. Using the sensors mentioned above, it senses signal changes that indicate tire circumference changes as the bike leans. A slow rate of change indicates the bike is leaning from side to side and doesn’t warrant intervention, as it can only do so at a certain rate. Plus, it’s highly unlikely that a rider is moving from side to side while accelerating at full throttle. The ECU stores this data and references it against the preset slip values for each of the six different TC settings. A faster signal change likely indicates a loss of traction and the need for intervention. Yamaha has calibrated the ECU to recognize and adapt to most popular tire sizes and gearing configurations, though to avoid the legal department working overtime, obviously stays clear of stating that it will work for all tire sizes and/or gearing combos.
That said, an interesting side note about the R1’s electronics package is that, should any part of the system malfunction, the on-board diagnostics will immediately send a specific fault code directly to the gauge cluster. All a certified mechanic will have to do then is simply reference that code to a master list and address the problem. No removal of bodywork needed. It’s likely that tools won’t be needed either. Just a computer.
The goal of traction control is to limit slip which, theoretically, should improve lap times. However, despite how counterintuitive it sounds on paper, tires need a certain amount of slip in a racetrack setting, often to help them finish off a corner by steering with the throttle. Yamaha has taken this into account and feels as though its system in its lower intervention settings still allows plenty of slip if needed.
Hype or Revelation?
The new R1’s street manners haven’t changed much from the previous version. Heat emanating from the engine and undertail exhausts radiates directly to the rider, which is especially brutal on warm days.
Of course, talk is cheap and I wanted to see what the new bike is like to ride. To do that, Yamaha invited journalists to Palm Springs, California for a street ride on the new R1 followed by a day at Chuckwalla Valley Raceway to really put the bike through its paces. On the street the new R1 felt much like the old R1 – because it practically is. The sound coming from the crossplane crankshaft is musical, while the power delivery borders on telepathic. The relatively torquey motor compared to the previous generation (pre-2009) makes leaving stoplights a much easier task for those ill-trained in smooth clutch operation.
In the canyons, the new R1 was a relatively simple machine to pilot. Turn-in doesn’t require much effort, and it holds an arc with ease. An updated version of the Dunlop Qualifier II tire is now spooned onto the wheels, replacing the D210s, and is a specific compound for the R1. I found the tires to be surprisingly compliant over the bumps on the poorly maintained roads we were riding on.
Our street ride came on a particularly warm day in Palm Springs which would test how well the new muffler heat guards really work. One complaint that’s common with motorcycles equipped with undertail exhausts is that the heat radiates directly to the rider, the R1 being no exception. Unfortunately, this still proved true on the 2012 machine. At stops, the engine and exhaust heat combined to toast my legs to medium-rare status. Of course, the triple digit ambient temps on the day didn’t help matters any.
Considering conditions were just about perfect for a street ride, the chance to test the new traction control system would have to wait until the track portion of our test. Which is coming up now...
A warm day can cause tar slicks on roads like this to get slick. Combine that with worn tires and traction control could come in handy to prevent a crash.
Hype or Revelation, Racetrack Edition
To save the suspense, I’ll say it up front: Yamaha’s new traction control system on the 2012 R1 works exactly as advertised. I was pleasantly surprised by how seamless it intervenes. Normally when I test motorcycles with traction control, I start the day with the maximum intervention settings so I can feel just how early and abruptly the system kicks in. And normally, I’ll feel the system kick in at a time I personally feel isn’t necessary (say, almost completely upright). That feeling is one of harsh bucking and stuttering as the system limits the amount of fuel or spark to the engine. That harshness kills drive, which ultimately affects lap times. As the intervention settings come down and more slip is allowed, sometimes I can still feel the stuttering from the engine. Some manufacturers have calibrated their settings better than others, and admittedly, many of today’s literbikes that offer traction control have systems that are very linear and much less unsettling for the rider.
Yamaha’s system takes that to another level. Even with the TC settings set to max, forward propulsion is still strong with hardly a hint of stuttering. To put it (and myself) to the test, I relived that fateful day where I whacked the throttle open with the bike on its side. This time around, however, the R1 drove out of the corner as best it could, the indicator light on the dash glaring at me the entire time. That said, the maximum setting still holds the rider back, but this was a good baseline starting point to feel what the system would do under lower settings with less intervention. Levels five and six (the two most intervening modes) also act as a wheelie control.
Once the R1 is on its side, stability is superb.
Changing TC settings is simple, just flick the toggle switch on the left bar. The corresponding gauge on the dash tells you where you’re at. The throttle must be shut to change settings, and to turn the system off, the bike must be stopped and the toggle must be held down for two seconds. In the lower settings plenty of slip is available to leave long, dark black marks on the pavement. For the majority of fast riders out there, they’ll probably enjoy the lower settings the most. However, the best riders and racers will still be able to set their quickest times with the system completely off.
As for the rest of the bike, there’s not much new to report. After some initial suspension tuning, I found that mid-corner stability was outstanding, with the ability to change my line at will. Side-to-side transitions took some slight effort, as its 454-pound wet weight is among the highest in the literbike class. Surprisingly, the addition of traction control added zero weight to the new model compared to last year.
At 454 pounds, the R1 is still one of the heavier literbikes on the market. But that doesn’t take away from its fun factor.
The connection between the throttle hand and the rear tire is an aspect about the crossplane crankshaft R1 we’ve loved since its introduction, and that continues with the new model. I did notice a bit of vibration at low rpm when accelerating out of a turn, but for the most part the vibey nature from the crossplane crankshaft engine is quelled through counterbalancers and is a non-issue.
Brakes on the R1 are also unchanged, which means dual 310mm discs are clamped by radially mounted six-piston calipers that have great stopping power but lack outright feel at the lever. Despite using wheel-speed sensors for the traction control system, ABS is not a feature on the new bike.
A turn like this is perfect for using the throttle to steer the motorcycle, as it opens on exit. Lower TC settings still allow this to happen, while higher settings intervene more.
My complaints about the new R1 are nothing we haven’t mentioned before on these pages so there’s little point in rehashing them. Traction control is clearly the main talking point here, and deservedly so. It’s among, if not the, best traction control systems that currently comes standard on a production motorcycle. Next year’s literbike showdown will be an interesting one as traction control systems will be a new metric by which to judge the field.
Pricing for the 2012 YZF-R1 starts at $13,990, and climbs to $14,490 for the 50th Anniversary Edition. Expect to see them in showrooms in the coming months.

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